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Non-profit organization committed to improvement and dissemination of knowledge regarding the pathology and pathophysiology of renal disease

RPS - Code of Conduct

As an RPS member, I will abide by the following:

·         Members voluntarily, and without compensation, contribute their time and expertise to support the wide range of activities of the society. Their contributions should be valued and their efforts supported as they work for the benefit of all members.

·         Members will treat colleagues with respect, based on values of equality and tolerance regardless of individual, cultural, and role differences, including (but not exclusively) those involving age, disability, education, ethnicity, gender, language, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital or family status, and socio-economic status.

·         Members will interact in a professional and respectful manner even when there are differences of opinion. 

·         Members will not practice or condone harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form. 

·         Members will not misrepresent their membership or officer status, or represent themselves as spokespersons for the Society without authorization by the President.

This code does not replace or supersede any code of conduct, code of ethics, or other regulations that members must follow within their professional or personal activities.

Should a member fail to meet these conditions, membership may be revoked by the Board of Directors. Details of the process are specified in the RPS bylaws 

To download a copy of this document, click here 

Approved May 2019

RPS Board of Directors



About RPS

The RPS promotes excellence in diagnosis, fosters basic, clinical and translational research, encourages training and education in renal disease, sponsors US based and international conferences and symposia, and brings news and updates pertaining to renal pathology to its members around the world.


Office of the Secretary

Mei Lin Z. Bissonnette, MD, PhD

Office of the Treasurer

Lihong Bu, MD, PhD

Website support

Raul Suarez

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